What is Acupuncture?

From aches and pains to long term health issues, acupuncture can help reduce pain, and relieve symptoms.
Patients often feel relaxed after treatment, feel better in general and sleep well. This is because acupuncture treats the whole person, not just the main symptom.
What happens during treatment?
The first session will take about an hour. The acupuncturist will ask questions about your symptoms, your medical history, and general questions about your diet and lifestyle in order to build a complete picture of your health. Then appropriate acupuncture points for your individual treatment can be selected.
Subsequent treatments will take about 45 minutes. There will be a brief consultation to determine how you have been since the last treatment, then fine needles are inserted and left in for 25 minutes.
Does it hurt?
The needles used are very fine, and acupuncture is not painful. You may briefly feel a pin-prick as the needle is inserted. Patients describe it as a feeling of heaviness in the arms and legs or a slight scratchy feeling.
How many treatments will I need?
The number of treatments will depend on the patient, and the duration of symptoms. Most people experience a significant improvement in symptoms within six treatment sessions.